Dec 8, 2010


Doctor yesterday at Paragon,
shopped awhile after that till around 5pm mom called to say she OT-means i got to settle my own dinner :S
walked all over town areas having many thoughts what i should eat..cause u know the feeling of eating alone;so -_-
finally settled down for Marche at Somerset313,been long since i went there heh!
got myself the savoury crepe of Smoked salmon...
they have got many choices for the crepe includes minced beef/roasted chicken etc.
NOT TOO BAD and its quite nice xD quite filling too hahaha.cost me about 13.80 nett:)

went over to OC(last stop) before heading home,and wanted to go NTUC to buy my xmas stuff...but the one at JE is just too small,there is only one type candy stick :( put off the plan,should be buying it at other ntuc other days...

WEDNESDAY sucha dreadful day~!
felt like partialling since i got MC till today,but didnt i just stayed.
please cure my wednesday blues someone...

i dont care what they say
im in love with you...
-bleeding love-

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